ATIBT, the "International Tropical Timber Technical Association", contributes to the sustainable and responsible development of the tropical forest-wood sector, from forests to markets.

The Association's goal is to ensure the ease of effective and innovative cooperation between all relevant stakeholders to develop and implement the sustainable and responsible management of rainforests, in order to increase their contribution to the long-term development of forest country economies.

As such, it provides its actors with any information, training, technical and scientific support while promoting best practices in all professions of the sector, particularly with a view to ensuring economic viability, social equity and the conservation of forest ecosystems.

ATIBT particularly represents forest operators and industrialists, primarily located in Africa, suppliers of tropical wood products, and all other actors in the sector involved in responsible forest management. As such, it promotes tropical timber harvested according to responsible practices on world markets.

This position allows it to facilitate dialogue between political and scientific stakeholders as part of the DYNAFAC collective’s activities.