The mission of the Ministry of Water, Forests, Hunting and Fishing of the Central African Republic is to develop and implement the government’s policies on Water, Forests, Hunting and Fishing.

As such, it carries out a number of tasks, including:

  • (i) to suggest policies on water, forests, hunting and fishing to the government and to ensure that these policies are enforced;
  • (ii) to regulate, promote and control all socio-economic activities relating to water, forests, hunting and fishing;
  • (iii) to promote the conservation and management of natural, forest, wildlife and fisheries resources through the development and dissemination of national development techniques;
  • (iv) to determine, at all levels, the Ministry’s quantitative and qualitative human resource needs and to ensure its training and development in collaboration with the technical ministries and agencies concerned;
  • (v) to develop an effective partnership between the Ministry of Water, Forests, Hunting and Fisheries and all national and international actors, private or public, working in the natural resources sector.

The Ministry is supported by the activities implemented as part of the DYNAFAC collective.